Ladybird Larvae x50

(51 customer reviews)


Quantity Price
1 £13.99
2+ £11.49

Ladybird Larvae have a huge appetite for soft-bodied pests such as aphids, so release ladybird larvae onto your pest infected plants to clear pest problems. We supply native British Ladybird Larvae in packs of 50 with food included ready for release in your garden or for use under-glass. Green Gardener only supplies British Adalia bipunctata ladybirds – we do NOT supply Harlequin ladybirds. The ladybirds are sent by 1st class post with food included. We also include 5 small paper release bags to make releasing your ladybirds as easy as possible – simply tip 10 larvae in each bags and position on the plants. Finished for this year – available again in 2025.

Special Offers – Add a Ladybird Barn, Ladybird House or a Ladybird Lodge and save £2.49 off the combined price – savings applied at checkout.
Special Offers -Add a twin pack of Ladybird Feeders to your order and save £1.00 off the combined price – savings applied at checkout.
Special Offer -Add 2 sachets of Ladybird Food to your order and save £2.00 off the combined pricesee below

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Full Description

Ladybirds are the best known beneficial insect and a welcome sight in the garden, where they happily munch away on greenfly and other tasty pests. By releasing ladybirds (adults and / or larvae) in your garden you can boost their numbers, which will lead to a permanent decrease in the number of pests in your garden i.e. aphids. Ladybird Larvae can also be used for clearing heavy infestations of aphids in greenhouses / conservatories. The larvae take 2-3 weeks to turn into adults, which in turn will eat about 5000 aphids before breeding and producing the next generation of ladybird larvae, which in turn will eat even more aphids. Ladybird Larvae are available between March and September. Finished for this year – available again in 2025.

Ladybird Larvae – Each ladybird larvae will eat a large number of pests before pupating and emerging as a ladybird ready to breed and produce the next generation of ladybirds. As they are supplied as larvae, they are ideal for releasing directly onto plants heavily infected with aphids – as they they are unable to fly and will stay where you put them. We also include 5 small paper release bags to make releasing your ladybirds as easy as possible – simply tip 10 larvae in each bags and position on the plants. Ladybird Larvae have a huge appetite for soft-bodied pests such as aphids, so release ladybird larvae onto your pest infected plants to clear pest problems. We supply native British Ladybird Larvae in packs of 50 with food included ready for release in your garden or for use under-glass. Green Gardener only supplies British Adalia bipunctata ladybirds – we do NOT supply Harlequin ladybirds. The ladybirds are sent by 1st class post with food included. Available in packs of 50 with 5 release bags ready for release in the garden.


  1. Marylou

    Thank you, absolutely brilliant service and a bargain, they are busily munching away just 3 days after I ordered.

  2. Jill and Indi

    “I want to leave feedback for the ladybirds I received today for our granddaughter’s greenhouse. We are over the moon with them they were very healthy and are eating the pests quickly. We have put a couple of ladybird houses in there so that when it gets warm enough we can move some onto our outside plants. Thank you so much I will definitely be repeating this exercise next year.” 

    • Jon

      Thanks for the comments and I am glad you are pl;eased. We would love to see some pictures of the ladybird as they munch on pests or use the houses? Kind regards Jon @ Green Gardener

  3. Gill Macphail (verified owner)

    The ladybirds arrived very quickly but they were dead on arrival. I won’t be using this company again.

    • Jon

      Thanks for the message and sorry for the dead ladybirds. They normally travel really well so I suspect they were delayed in the post. If you can let us have the order number / delivery address we can trace the order and check. We can then arrange replacements or a refund. Kind regards Jon @ Green Gardener

  4. Hilary Flower (verified owner)

    Arrived the following day well packaged but after distributing the 100 ladybug larvae in the paper bags around the garden in greenfly infested rose bushes I have not seen the results that previous reviewers are claiming. Only 2 ladybugs spotted so far on day five and greenfly still in abundance!

    • Jon

      Thanks for the review and it is still early days i.e. they were only released 5 days ago. It is totally normal for the ladybirds to disperse once you have released them and we want them to get on with feeding and breeding and normally you struggle to see them but monitor the pests. It takes 3 weeks for the next generation of ladybirds to appear. Aphids are fast breeders, so it will take a while for you to see a difference i.e. the aphids will breed faster than the ladybirds can eat them but as they breed they will catch up and take over. Kind regards Jon @ Green Gardener

  5. Katy

    I am absolutely thrilled with this product. We had a dreadful blackfly infestation on our hibiscus plant, so bad the stems looked black. I brought the larvae two weeks ago and hung the bag provided onto our plant. I was sceptical they would be able to tackle such a big infestation. Be patient! Not much happened in the first few days but then I began to notice some of the stems had been cleared. I still thought I hadn’t brought enough to clear all of them but two weeks on 90% of the blackfly has gone. I’m even able to spot the larvae now. I am astounded at how successful it’s been. I’m also very happy that the awful pesticide I was using can be banished forever. Looking forward to watching them change into ladybirds. A brilliant product well packaged and delivered promptly. A very happy customer thank you.

  6. Harriet H (verified owner)

    The larvae we ordered arrived promptly and my toddler and I had great fun watching them grow. However, it is now very clear that these are Harlequin ladybirds NOT native UK species despite what is said here!!!

    • Jon

      Thanks for the message and I am glad your toddler has enjoyed them. I can assure you we only sell NATIVE Adalia Bipuctata (the 2 spot) ladybirds and we do NOT Include any Harlequin ladybirds. If any of your ladybirds are black with red spots then they are NATIVE Adalia Bipuctata, but they are the melanic 2 spot ladybird – they are black and despite its 2 spot name, it normally has four or six red spots. Kind regards Jon @ Green Gardener

  7. K Coles (verified owner)

    Wonderful. Larvae arrived quickly and in perfect condition two weeks ago. Now growing nicely and making a big difference to the aphid problem on our plum tree. Very happy. Many thanks.

  8. Laura (verified owner)

    Purchased last year as I wanted an environmentally friendly and pet safe way to treat the infestation of aphids we had over our roses and lupins and these worked an absolute treat.
    I can’t say we really saw or noticed there being more larvae or ladybirds about but within a couple of weeks practically all the aphids where gone and the rest of the summer they were kept at bay.
    I’ll definitely be re purchasing more this year

  9. Jill and Indi (Aberdeen)

    I want to leave feedback for the ladybirds I received today for our grand-daughter’s greenhouse. We are over the moon with them they were very healthy and are eating the pests quickly. We have put a couple of ladybird houses in there so that when it gets warm enough we can move some onto our outside plants. Thank you so much I will definitely be repeating this exercise next year.

  10. Halnaker Jurtypopp

    Use these in my rear porch if I get aphid or whitefly infestations as well as on my roses. They are very efficient in a smaller space. Quite fascinating to see ladybird minions get bigger on the little pests and secure in the knowledge that bees are not harmed and there is nothing icky going on my overwintering/immature chillis.

  11. Peter Sitch (verified owner)

    Very interesting products, fast and efficient response. My mother was very excited by the ladybird nymphs last year and she noted a distinct drop in green and blackfly. My experience was similar. They’d sold out of slug killer last year – fortunately the cold snap wasn’t ideal for application but the nematodes will be on soon and I have high hopes.

  12. Deirdre Sullivan (verified owner)

    Really amazing! I got these last summer to help protect my tomato plants from aphids. They arrived alive and happy enough, we’re easy to release, and made serious progress even in just the next day or two. My garden was somewhat overrun by ladybirds but the end of summer, because we have an elder tree that the aphids were obsessed with so they kept on breeding once they were established!

    I’m writing the review now as, for the first year ever, we seem to have a ladybird colony! They’re popping up all over the place and I’m so happy to see it! I was afraid they’d all be gone after winter but it’s so nice that they’ve returned as the aphids have as well. We did have a little bug hotel set up in the garden, so maybe that helped, but honestly it seems to mostly be used by the spiders!

    Either way, I’m so happy! This turned out way better than expected

  13. Lisa Waterhouse

    Last year, we had a cherry tree that was dying. It had a sticky stuff all over the tree. After researching, I came across the green gardener and although rather sceptical, I purchased 100 ladybird larvae and ladybirds. The larvae stayed in the bag even after several days, so I put them in the tree myself. I also bought ladybirds, but they flew away. A few weeks later, I noticed a few leaves shooting in the tree, and several weeks after that, the sticky stuff gone. The tree began to grow new leaves and several months on, it is beginning to restore itself. I have just purchased more to keep the aphids under control. These have literally been a lifesaver for my rather large cherry tree, but 100 aphid larvae did the trick!

  14. Mrs Alida Jones (verified owner)

    Ladybirds arrived promptly and all in good order. Already noticing a large reduction in greenfly. Very pleased.

  15. Susie Williams

    I did complain to you a couple of weeks ago that I thought the ladybird larvae you sent were too small to successfully transfer to the plants. Just to say I am very happy now. Have counted and at least half have become very large and are changing into ladybirds. There are plenty of ladybirds around too, so they are probably some of the others who have already changed. I couldn’t get them on to the plants so I dumped them on the earth below them (broad beans covered in black fly). I thought they wouldn’t manage to climb up to where the black fly were but they obviously did. Perhaps you could say on the instructions that it is OK to put them on the earth if necessary … Thanks!

  16. Karen (verified owner)

    You cannot imagine the excitement when, after less than 24 hours of hanging my bag of ladybird larvae on my black fly infested runner beans, I have already seen at least 3 adults ladybirds and many more larvae/pupae I’m not sure which. I was expecting to have to wait several days but it looks like they’re already doing their stuff – amazing! Top class service and a divide from Green Gardener too – highly recommended

  17. Mrs Julie Stocker (verified owner)

    Swift delivery & they are working wonders in my garden.

  18. Kathleen Benn (verified owner)

    Arrived safe and sound. Have done really well getting rid of the greenfly.

  19. Sarah Woodhall (verified owner)

    Love Green Gardener products. They always arrive quickly and come with good instructions. Particularly love the live insects and the ladybird larvae always do a fantastic job of keeping pests down to a minimum in my garden.

  20. Sarah Ross (verified owner)

    Won’t hesitate to use again. I ordered 50 ladybird larvae. Received a helpful confirmation email detailing what to expect, postage was very fast, and well packaged. The larvae were nicely packed in a box with food and shredded paper to keep them safe in transit. The larvae all seemed healthy and active. We carefully put them into our aphid riddled lemon tree in our conservatory, and it wasn’t long before they got to work. After a few days the aphids have definitely reduced in number, and the larvae have certainly grown. It’s great to catch a glimpse of one. I will definitely use Green Gardner again, and am looking forward to our larvae growing into ladybirds, and hopefully having a healthier lemon tree.

  21. Helen Danielson (verified owner)

    Ladybirds turned up well and healthy. They have already eaten a lot of aphids and laid eggs.

  22. Rosalind Turnbull (verified owner)

    We have use both the adult ladybirds and larvae over several years now, and they have definitely made a massive difference to my currant bushes and apple trees. For several years before discovering your company we had a terrible infestation of black and grey aphids allover them with practically no crop of berries. The difference is incredible.
    We have also enjoyed the butterfly sets too and given several as presents

  23. Sylvia Harper (verified owner)

    Very prompt delivery, very active larvae. Could not recommend highly enough. Great company to deal with, and problems are very swiftly dealt with. Will definitely buy any and all necessary gardening requirements again and often.

  24. Myfanwy Kay McKeown

    Cherry tree rescued, thank you. It was literally dripping on the patio and some block paving, so many aphids and ants farming them. I started with tree grease which messed up the ants, then had the tree pressure washed. Instant improvement and then I had the ants treated by the local pest control company. This was explained in detail, they can’t spray pesticides any more but he could set bate boxes and injects obvious nests. Lasted 4 weeks. Tree started dripping again, have to say the bumble bees loved it in the evenings and so did the ants. Found ladybird larvae, ordered 2 packs,. Excellent service, well packaged, speedy delivery, very fair price if they work. My grandchildren were fascinated and my son stapled the two bags to the tree trunk. 6 days later the dripping has stopped. I’m very hopeful that this is a final solution, thank you. Keeping my eye on it for now but trusting nature seems much better than Chemicals. The tree already looks healthier.
    I’ve now taken delivery of ant nematodes & tonight I will be watering them into 4 large raised beds as well as some block paving.

  25. Mrs Chloe (verified owner)

    I bought ladybird larvae for my greenfly problem and I am so pleased! This company makes it clear that their ladybirds are NATIVE species which is so important to me. The instructions were very clear and the larvae arrived happy and healthy. Will definitely use again when needed.

  26. Melvyn Whiteside (verified owner)

    Followed the instructions with the ladybird larva. My cherry tree and weeping willow are now completely clear of the greenfly which they had been severely infested with, to the extent the leaves were distorted.

  27. Martin Heap (verified owner)

    I ordered 50 ladybird larvae to try and eradicate the aphid problem I had. The honey dew was fouling the washing line which runs beneath a young oak tree. I roughly divided the little paper packing strips and used the little envelopes to get the larvae to the tree by pinning them to a leaf. Problem now seems to be solved.

  28. Alison (verified owner)

    Fantastic service. The ladybird larvae have completely controlled the aphids in both my conservatory and in the garden.
    Have ordered a couple of times this year and have seen lots of fully grown ladybirds now too.
    Great customer service and even a freebie popped in the order. Will definitely be back for more when needed

  29. Mark Western (verified owner)

    Great product – ladybird larvae Easy to use.

  30. Siobhan

    Having the ladybird larvae and adults in the garden is delightful as well as helpful for aphid control – they made such a difference when we first bought them. We also bought a set for my relatives, and it was a fun activity with the oldest child in picking a place for the ladybird house, setting it up, and picking places to put the adults and larvae.

  31. Anoymous (verified owner)

    Delivery was super quick ~ ladybirds all arrived health, They are small, but the ladybirds got to work on eating the aphids for few days & house was really cute for them to overwinter in ~ Thank you for a great service 💚🐞🌿

  32. Philip Dunham (verified owner)

    We seem to have ladybirds everywhere and no greenfly to date 🤞

  33. Grania O’Mahony (verified owner)

    ladybirds and ladybird larvae were delivered promptly. They are doing a great job in dramatically reducing the numbers of aphids on our roses.

  34. Anonymous (verified owner)

    Always delivered quickly. The ladybird larvae looked healthy and are hopefully devouring my aphids! This is my second year of using larvae and I have also noticed more mature ladybirds in the garden this year, so hopefully they are staying around and breeding.

  35. Sarah Oliver (verified owner)

    Buying the ladybird grubs was the best thing I have ever done for the garden! A month later and they are still going strong and munching their way through the rose aphids. Wonderful!! Highly recommended.

  36. Clare

    Brilliant, not only are they still in my garden munching on the aphids 3 days after release but I have also seen them breeding ❤️

  37. Nicolas Hodge (verified owner)

    Hi, I recently bought some of your ladybird larvae. After a shaky start (temperature slump) they got on with the job, ably assisted by the now adults from last year. They have today given me a lifetime first experience, I’ve watched one pupate over the last couple of days! Thank you. Best wishes. Nicolas Hodge

  38. Rosalind Turnbull (verified owner)

    Excellent company. Humans to speak to if info wanted. Great products. We have been buying butterflies, and ladybirds both adult and larvae for years, plus this year we have had mason bees and a temporary bee hive which is thriving and full of bees.

  39. Nicola Rushton (verified owner)

    Purchased 2x 50 ladybird larvae to deal with a serious Black lace Elder infestation of black fly. This happened last year to the same tree and all I could do was to cut off the affected branches as the infestation was too far gone. Arrived the very next day all raring to go and duly emptied into the 10x paper envelopes for distribution on the tree. I was fascinated at how these little alligators got to work straight away and over a period of a few days to a week the problem was solved. The tree flowered beautifully this year and was a delight to see as we had missed out last year. Absolutely love the idea of dealing with garden issues in an eco friendly way. I have since watched the larvae turn into ladybirds after a period of rest and transformation which are also a delight. I would highly recommend purchasing this item for infestations on plants and vegetables.

  40. Anonymous (verified owner)

    Really effective green pest control, I never knew that there was an ecological way to reduce pests, and the ladybird larvae were great!

  41. Suzanne (verified owner)

    Ordered ladybird larvae and received the next day. The black fly on my veg garden is terrible this year and hopefully this will sort it. Will definitely order again next year if these work.

  42. Antony

    Best money I’ve spent in ages. Had never done this before; bought 50 larvae to try to relieve a pair of aubergine plants in the greenhouse that were being hammered by greenfly. Gently placed little piles of the shredded paper and larvae on horizontal leaves using an artist’s paintbrush, then watched them get to work.
    Fascinating: Head down like tiny bloodhounds, following the zigzag scent trail the greenfly leave behind. Watching as a larva homed in on an unsuspecting adult; it tried to get away at the last moment but it was too late – those jaws didn’t miss.

    Better than Netflix! 😆

  43. Angela Kilner (verified owner)

    Very happy with prompt delivery of ladybirds and nymphs which arrived in good condition and promptly ate the aphids off the roses and plum tree. Definitely my preferred method of pest control.

  44. Deborah Walker (verified owner)

    Excellent customer service from Green Gardener. I had a query following receipt of my order and called them up and got great advice. Products ordered were sent out promptly and very well packaged – particularly live goods such as ladybird larvae. Really impressed by this company and have already recommended it onto several other people who have also purchased from GG.

  45. Kelly-Anne Kramer (verified owner)

    Products came as advertised and is very good time. The ladybug larvae could be seen alive and vigorous. Happy with purchase.

  46. Caroline Burns (verified owner)

    I tried these in my garden to deal with a honeysuckle that had been attacked by woolly aphids. Speedy delivery, good instructions and two weeks later the aphids have been beaten off completely! It needs to be warm enough for the larvae if you’re using them outdoors, but other than that this method works a treat, even the constant rain did not bother them.”

  47. Tim Gallagher (verified owner)

    Just to let you know that despite me not applying the larvae precisely as your instructions on to our runner beans they seem to have worked really well and we are enjoying a bumper crop. Please add me to your mailing list for your newsletter for seasonal advice and updates. Thanks Tim Gallagher

  48. Jackie McMaster (verified owner)

    Our ladybird larvae got the job done. Peppers looking great!

  49. Hilary Ryan (verified owner)

    I ordered some live ladybirds plus some larvae. They arrived in excellent condition & I released them onto food sources on opening them. They did a great job on the aphids. I shall definitely be ordering more next year.

  50. James Coutts (verified owner)

    Excellent service and products- i used lacewing larvae for a dire infestation of woolly aphids on an olive tree- fantastic results. Likewise ladybird larvae for aphids on chilli plants. Delivery is quick and efficient. Highly recommended.

  51. Katharine Gledsdale (verified owner)

    The baby ladybirds worked a treat and within two days got rid of all the black flies on my prized plant. 😀

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