Red Spider Mite Control
Red Spider Mite (RSM) is a major pests under-glass, especially in conservatories / greenhouses / growrooms / hydroponic systems where the combination of high temperatures and low humidity are ideal for their development and they can be active all year long. Use Wax Traps, Amblyseius Andersonii and / or Phytoseilus to get them under-control.
Showing 1–18 of 22 results
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Best Seller
Amblyseius Andersonii
Amblyseius Andersonii is a LOW / HIGH temperature predator of Red Spider Mite, which is much more tolerant of extreme temperatures,…
£8.99 -
Ambly sent at 6 weekly intervals
Amblyseius Andersonii Programmes
Amblyseius Andersonii is supplied in sachets with food, which will last them for 6-8 weeks, so if you have a persistent…
£53.97 – £84.95 -
Easy to use NEW Blister Packs
Phytoseiulus 500 Blister Pack
NEW Blister Packs- Control Red Spider Mite by introducing Phytoseiulus AS SOON as you see RSM and the temp is…
£13.99 -
Best Seller
Phytoseiulus 2000
Control Red Spider Mite by introducing Phytoseiulus AS SOON as you see RSM and the temp is 16C/61F (& below…
£21.99 -
500 Phyto sent at 4 weekly intervals
Phytoseiulus 500 Programmes
Introduce Phytoseiulus regularly every 4 weeks where RSM is a recurring problem. In commercial greenhouses they combat this problem by introducing phyto regularly…
£39.97 – £62.45 -
2000 Phyto sent at 4 weekly intervals
Phytoseiulus 2000 Programmes
Introduce Phytoseiulus regularly every 4 weeks where RSM is a recurring problem. In commercial greenhouses they combat this problem by introducing phyto regularly through the…
£59.97 – £99.95 -
RSM Emergency Pest Pack
Use our RSM Emergency Pest Pack if you plants are heavily infested with red spider mite. Spray with SB Invigorator 1st to kill as many…
£34.98 -
Best Seller
Sb Invigorator 500ml RTU
Use SB Invigorator to controls a wide range of insect pests including aphids, mealy bug, wooly aphids, scale etc naturally PLUS this…
£9.99 -
Best Seller
Sb Invigorator Concentrate
Use SB Invigorator to control a wide range of insect pests including aphids, mealy bug, wooly aphids, scale etc naturally PLUS it…
£13.99 -
SB Invigorator and Pressure Sprayer Offers
Special Offers - Need a Sprayer? Buy SB Invigorator with a Pressure Sprayer and save money! Use SB Invigorator natural spray…
£29.99 -
Clean and Guard Soap
Use this NEW natural Clean and Guard horticultural soap to combat and PREVENT common pests, such as aphids, earwigs, spider…
£11.99 -
Best Seller and available NOW
Garlic Greenhouse Candles
Clear your greenhouse of unwanted pests by fumigating with a Garlic Greenhouse Candle. Traditionally sulphur candles would be used to clear…
£11.99 -
Garlic Candles and Natural Disinfectant Offers
Special Offers - It is important to fumigate & clean a greenhouse to clear out any pests and diseases. Clear…
£24.98 -
Natural Horticultural Disinfectant 1L
This Horticultural Disinfectant is exclusive to Green Gardener, is made in the UK, is 100% sustainable and is ideal for cleaning…
£16.99 -
Best Seller
Bug Blaster
Best-seller - Use the Bug Blaster to control insect pests i.e. aphids, whitefly, mealybug, spider mites, etc using nothing more than…
£39.99 -
Citrox Disinfectant
Citrox Disinfectant is a natural disinfectant, which contains extracts of citrus fruit and is ideal for cleaning your greenhouse, disinfecting…
£14.99 -
Citrox Disinfectant 750ml RTU
Citrox Disinfectant is a natural disinfectant, which contains extracts of citrus fruit and is ideal for cleaning your greenhouse, disinfecting…
£14.99 -
Citrox Professional 1L
Citrox Disinfectant is a natural disinfectant, which contains extracts of citrus fruit and is ideal for cleaning your greenhouse, disinfecting…