Aphid (Greenfly / Blackfly) Control
Aphids (Greenfly and Blackfly) are a major pest underglass. Aphids feed by sucking the sap from the plant, this stunts the growth and causes distortion of the growing point. Excess sap is excreted as honeydew, which is sticky and coats the lower leaves of your plants. Sooty mould can then develop on the honeydew. These are usually the 1st sign of an aphid infestation. To control aphids use Aphidius and / or Ladybirds / Lacewing Larvae.
Showing 1–18 of 23 results
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Available all year round for use under-glass
Aphidius x500
Supplied in easy release blister packs - Control aphids under-glass naturally by introducing Aphidius AS SOON as you see aphids (greenfly and…
£19.99 -
Available all year round for use under-glass
Aphidius 1000
Supplied in easy release blister packs - Control aphids under-glass naturally by introducing Aphidius AS SOON as you see aphids (greenfly…
£34.98 -
Available all year round for use under-glass
Aphid Predator Mix
Use an Aphid Predator Mix when aphid numbers are higher and are spread out through out through a range of…
£27.99 -
For HEAVY Aphid infestations.
Aphid Emergency Pest Pack
Use our Aphid Emergency Pest Pack if you plants are heavily infested with aphids - spray with SB Invigorator 1st to kill as many of the…
£39.98 -
Lacewing Larvae
Lacewing larvae are natural predators of aphids and other soft bodied pests such as whitefly eggs, thrip larvae, scale insect,…
£28.99 -
Available all year round for use under-glass
Ladybird Larvae for use under-glass
We supply native British Ladybird Larvae in packs of 50 ready for release in onto pest infected plants. Ladybirds are the…
£13.99 -
Available NOW
Ladybird Rearing Kit
Use this Ladybird Rearing Kit, to raise your own ladybird larvae. This Ladybird Rearing Kit allows you to keep adult…
£32.99 -
Available NOW
Ladybird Rearing Kit Refill
The Ladybird Rearing Kit is designed to be reusable. When you are ready to have another go, order a Ladybird Rearing Kit…
£19.99 -
Best Seller
Sb Invigorator 500ml RTU
Use SB Invigorator to controls a wide range of insect pests including aphids, mealy bug, wooly aphids, scale etc naturally PLUS this…
£9.99 -
Best Seller
Sb Invigorator Concentrate
Use SB Invigorator to control a wide range of insect pests including aphids, mealy bug, wooly aphids, scale etc naturally PLUS it…
£13.99 -
SB Invigorator and Pressure Sprayer Offers
Special Offers - Need a Sprayer? Buy SB Invigorator with a Pressure Sprayer and save money! Use SB Invigorator natural spray…
£29.99 -
Clean and Guard Soap
Use this NEW natural Clean and Guard horticultural soap to combat and PREVENT common pests, such as aphids, earwigs, spider…
£11.99 -
Best Seller and available NOW
Garlic Greenhouse Candles
Clear your greenhouse of unwanted pests by fumigating with a Garlic Greenhouse Candle. Traditionally sulphur candles would be used to clear…
£11.99 -
Garlic Candles and Natural Disinfectant Offers
Special Offers - It is important to fumigate & clean a greenhouse to clear out any pests and diseases. Clear…
£24.98 -
Natural Horticultural Disinfectant 1L
This Horticultural Disinfectant is exclusive to Green Gardener, is made in the UK, is 100% sustainable and is ideal for cleaning…
£16.99 -
Best Seller
Bug Blaster
Best-seller - Use the Bug Blaster to control insect pests i.e. aphids, whitefly, mealybug, spider mites, etc using nothing more than…
£39.99 -
Citrox Disinfectant
Citrox Disinfectant is a natural disinfectant, which contains extracts of citrus fruit and is ideal for cleaning your greenhouse, disinfecting…
£14.99 -
Citrox Disinfectant 750ml RTU
Citrox Disinfectant is a natural disinfectant, which contains extracts of citrus fruit and is ideal for cleaning your greenhouse, disinfecting…