Hypoaspis for Sciarid Fly

(1 customer review)


Sciarid fly (compost fly / fungus gnat) is a common greenhouse pest – Control sciarid fly naturally by introducing Hypoaspis Miles predators to target the eggs and larvae of Sciarid Fly. Hypoaspis needs a daytime temp of 15c and prefers moist conditions (but not waterlogged) and comes in a shaker tube containing vermiculite which is simply sprinkled over the affected plants. Apply 100 Hypoaspis per sqm as a preventative treatment i.e. a pack of 10,000 will treat 100 sqm, but apply double for mild infestations or even 500 Hypoaspis per sqm for heavy infestations. For heavy infestations it is good idea to treat with Sciarid Nematodes as well – CLICK HERE to find out more. Hypoaspis is a living predator, so order when you are ready to use and insecticides have not been used. Available in shaker tubes of 10,000 (treats up to 100 sqm) or 25,000 (treats up to 250 sqm). N.B. For heavy infestations you can use a combination of Hypoaspis and Sciarid Nematodes together – see special offers below. N.B. Available NOW or PRE-ORDER for delivery later in the year by inserting a date below.

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Full Description

Also known as compost fly / fungus gnat, Sciarid fly is a common pest of greenhouse plants in the spring. Young bedding plants, especially bizzie-lizzies, can be affected with large numbers of small flies covering young plants, whilst larvae eat the roots. The Sciarid flies crawl over the compost surface and if disturbed fly on to the lower leaves. The larval stage in the compost attacks the roots and can kill young seedlings. Control sciarid fly naturally by introducing Hypoaspis Miles predators to target the eggs and larvae of Sciarid Fly.

Hypoaspis Miles is a tiny predatory mites that lives in the soil / compost around the plant stem and feeds on the eggs and larvae of sciarid fly and on the pupae of thrip. Hypoaspis needs a daytime temp of 15c and prefers moist conditions (but not waterlogged) and comes in a shaker tube containing vermiculite which is simply sprinkled over the affected plants. Hypoaspis can survive for approx 4 weeks without food, so it is ideal for introducing as a preventative treatment. Once the pest is present, each Hypoaspis can eat 8 sciarid fly larvae per day making it a very effective control. Apply 100 Hypoaspis per sqm as a preventative treatment i.e. a pack of 10,000 will treat 100 sqm, but apply double for mild infestations or even 500 Hypoaspis per sqm for heavy infestations i.e. 10,000 hypoaspis will treat 20 sqm. For heavy infestations it is good idea to treat with Sciarid Nematodes as wellCLICK HERE to find out more. Hypoaspis is a living predator, so order when you are ready to use and insecticides have not been used. Available in shaker tubes of 10,000 (treats up to 100 sqm) or 25,000 (treats up to 250 sqm).

Special Offer – Buy Hypoaspis Miles and Sciarid Nematodes together and save money off the combined price.


  1. Anonymous

    Can’t praise Jon highly enough! I had a serious sciarid fly infestation and was time-restricted in when I could deal with it. Pre-purchase, Jon gave me first-class advice on the best treatments, and times to apply them. I followed them carefully and can say that since then the difference is beyond all expectations! I can count on my fingers the number of flies I’ve seen since treatment and truly believe I’ve finally gotten on top of them: the relief is immense and I’m forever grateful !! Thank You!!

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