Leatherjacket Spring and Autumn 500 sqm Offer
Nemasys® Leatherjacket Killer is normally applied once a year in the autumn, but if you have discovered a severe infestation, then you can treat TWICE to get on top of the problem i.e. in the Spring and then again in the Autumn. Order our Leatherjacket Killer Spring and Autumn 500 sqm Offer and we will send 2 LOTS of 5 x100 sqm packs separately – the 1st lot of 5 x 100 sqm packs will be sent in the Spring i.e. w/c 14th April followed by another 5 x 100 sqm packs sent AUTOMATICALLY in the Autumn i.e. w/c 15th Sept (or email us alternative dates and we will organise it) and save £5.00 the normal combined price.
Special Offer – Help your lawn recover from a pest attack by adding Root Success Fertiliser– Add Root Success Fertiliser to your order and save £1.50 off the combined price (savings applied at the checkout).
N.B. Need a Coarse Rose, NemaCan Watering Can, EasyNem Applicator or Hose-end Feeder – Add one to your basket and save £1.00 off a Coarse Rose OR save £2.00 off a EasyNem Applicator , Hose-end Feeder or NemaCan when bought with your nematodes (savings applied at the checkout).
Full Description
Control leatherjackets naturally by applying Nemasys® Leatherjacket Killer containing millions of nematodes to the infected lawn as soon as the leatherjackets are discovered (and the soil temperature is 10c) or when the leatherjackets are active i.e. in the autumn (Sept / Oct / Nov). Nemasys® Leatherjacket Killer is effective at killing leatherjackets, but is harmless to children, wildlife and pets and the lawn may be used immediately after application. Apply as follows :-
- Apply Nemasys® Leatherjacket Killer in September/October/November – This is the ideal time to treat as the soil is warm PLUS the leatherjackets are newly hatched and are the most susceptible to the nematodes, so if you have had leatherjackets in the past or have discovered a leatherjacket infestation or your neighbours are infested and you want to keep them at bay, treat in Sep/Oct/Nov (needs a daytime soil temperature is 12c) . When applying in the autumn, the packs will treat either 100 sqm or 500 sqm. Order for delivery in Autumn.
- Apply Nemasys® Leatherjacket Killer when leatherjackets are discovered – Nemasys® Leatherjacket Killer is normally applied in September as this is when the leatherjackets are newly hatched and most susceptible to the nematodes, but if you have discover leatherjackets (not daddy long legs) at any other time of year i.e. in the spring/summer then treat at double strength as the mature leatherjackets are much harder to kill, but you must treat in September as well. When applying in the spring / summer at double strength i.e. Large packs will treat 50 sqm / Economy packs will treat 250 sqm. Available all year round.
How to apply? – Nemasys® Leatherjacket Killer is easy to use. Simply mix the harmless powder with water & apply to the lawn using a watering can fitted with a rose (we recommend the Haws Rose no.14) or use a hose-end feeder / Easynem applicator or nematode applicator for larger areas. Nemasys® Leatherjacket Killer should be applied to a moist lawn (we recommend pre – watering) on a dull day or in the evening. After application you MUST wash the nematodes into the lawn by watering heavily with a hose or a sprinkler. Once applied the nematodes will seek out the leatherjacket larvae and on contact they enter the larvae and destroy it. Having destroyed the leatherjacket ,the nematodes multiply and are released back into the soil to hunt down more leatherjackets.
How is it sent? – Nemasys® Leatherjacket Killer is a perishable, living product, so it is sent out fresh by Royal Mail 1st class post. Being a perishable, living product, it must be used before the expiry date (which is marked on the inside of the pack and will be at least 2 weeks) and it must be stored in the fridge until it is needed. Once opened, the contents do not keep, so it must be used in one day – do NOT store the made up solution or powder. 1 or 2 packs will go through your letterbox and should be popped in the fridge as soon as possible – they are fine on the doormat while you are at work.
N.B. Need a Coarse Rose, NemaCan Watering Can, EasyNem Applicator or Hose-end Feeder – Add one to your basket and save £1.00 off a Coarse Rose OR save £2.00 off a EasyNem Applicator , Hose-end Feeder or NemaCan when bought with your nematodes (savings applied at the checkout).
Mark Henderson –
Used last year as the rear lawn was looking patchy ? Initially I thought it was my 2x male dogs burning the grass with their wee? But at night time or early morn would see hundreds of daddy long legs on grass or on window frames , so treated using hose end feeder as I have 600 metres to treat , this year so far lawn has been a lot prettier to look at and will order more up in autumn , I just need to sort out the red thread issues now in grass
Jon (verified owner) –
Thanks for the review and a high nitrogen feed will help with red thread. Both of our lawn feeds are suitable. Kind regards Jon @ Green Gardener