10 March 2022
Save your plants from vine weevil by John the Green Gardener
Vine weevil are one of the most devastating garden pests particularly of plants growing in containers. Adult vine weevil are active throughout the summer taking notches out of leaves, but it is the larval stage which eats plant roots that does the real damage. Read on to find out why Nemasys Vine Weevil Killer containing millions of naturally occurring nematodes is the most effective and safest way to control them. The nematodes in Nemasys Vine Weevil Killer are invisible to the naked eye and are totally harmless to children, pets and wildlife, so SAFE for everything except Vine Weevil. Nemasys Vine Weevil Killer has been one of ours best sellers for over 20 years.
The problem – Vine weevil adults are dark grey/black ‘beetles’ about 1cm long with a snub ‘nose’. They are not able to fly’ but are great climbers so hanging baskets are not safe! They are active at night through the summer taking notches out of leaf edges. Each female can lay up-to 1500 eggs, which she will lay randomly with some ending up on the soil/compost surface near your favourite plants where they will hatch. The grubs then start to feed on the roots causing the plant to wilt and eventually topple over and die. The adults die over the winter, but the grubs remain active in the soil/compost. Frost or waterlogging doesn’t seem to bother them. As temperatures rise in the spring the grubs pupate and adults emerge in April/May completing the life cycle.
The solution :-
- Nemasys Vine Weevil Killer – Use this nematode treatment to control the grubs.
- Adult Vine Weevil Traps – Use these traps to target the adult beetles.
- Zee No Weevil – Use the granule to protect your plants from egg laying adults.
Nemasys Vine Weevil Killer – contains millions of microscopic nematodes each of which contain bacteria. Once applied to the soil, the nematodes seek out vine weevil grubs and deliver the bacteria causing the grub to curl up and die and in doing so millions more nematodes are released into the soil to keep the process going. These nematodes occur NATURALLY in the soil but in very small numbers, so by applying Nemasys Vine Weevil Killer you boost the number of these beneficial nematodes, which results in the control of vine weevil grubs. These nematodes are safe for you, children, wildlife and pets – no other wildlife is affected. Crops can be picked and eaten straightaway- strawberries are very susceptible to attack from vine weevil!
How to apply – Nemasys Vine Weevil Killer is supplied as a powder in packs treating 12 or 100 sqm. The packs have a shelf life of approx. 2 weeks and should be stored in the fridge and then the whole pack should be used in one go. To apply mix with water and apply to containers exactly like liquid feed into the roots. For plants in the garden, particularly herbaceous and acid loving plants such as rhododendrons, azaleas and camellias, apply to the soil surface around the plants. If you get a bit on the leaves don’t worry it won’t do any harm, but wash the nematodes off to get them into the soil where they will work their magic.
- For containers including hanging baskets and small areas use a watering can fitted with a Coarse Rose.
- For larger areas use a EasyNem Applicator.
To be effective the soil should be moist and the soil temperature above 5C. The best time to apply is late spring to catch the overwintering grubs before they pupate and again the in autumn to catch the grubs that have emerged during the summer. However, for vulnerable or high value plants under glass or in containers in the garden more frequent applications are advised. To take the hassle out of remembering to order in the spring and again in the autumn Green Gardener can organise a Double Delivery for you with a pack in the spring followed by a pack in the autumn. There are also Extended Programmes if you a have a persistent problem or high value plants you cannot afford to lose, which deliveres fresh p[acks of nematodes at 8 weekly intervals.
Adult Vine Weevil Traps – Use these Adult Vine Weevil Traps to reduce the number of adult vine weevils exploring your garden through the summer and laying eggs around your plants. Adult Vine Weevil Traps have 3 grooves filled with gel containing 2.5million nematodes. Place the traps on the soil or compost beneath your plants and adult vine weevil will crawl into the grooves looking for shelter during the day. The nematodes will infect and kill them without harming anything else. Each trap controls adult vine weevils over 10 sqm or 4m of hedging for 6 weeks. Position when adults are active from June to September. By controlling the adults, you will stop eggs being laid and protect your plants from future generations if vine weevil grubs.
Zee No Weevil – Vine weevils lay eggs on the surface of the soil or compost, so by placing an effective barrier on the soil surface you can stop the eggs reaching the soil/compost and hatching. Zee No Weevil is made from crushed olive pommace (the dried leftovers from making olive oil) plus aromatic herbs. It is attractive, fragrant, biodegradable and safe for pets and wildlife. Apply to the soil/compost surface about 1cm deep to form a barrier stopping vine weevil eggs from reaching the soil. Apply when vine weevil are active from April to September and top up as necessary.
Summary – You now have the power to control vine weevil naturally with products that are safe for you, children, pets and wildlife, but don’t just take my word for it just read what some of your fellow gardeners say :-
From Marion Jay – “I have bought vine weevil nematodes from Green Gardener for many years now and have had hardly any vine weevil grub attack, despite seeing adults in the garden regularly. Many of my plants have been in pots for the past 2 years because we moved house, but the twice-yearly application of nematodes have kept them clear, even the weevils’ favourites, heucheras and ferns! Delivery is always prompt and customer service friendly. I would recommend them.”
Mrs Janet Taylor – “This was my first use of zee no weevil and it has proved to be very good!”
Available to buy now
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