5 June 2020
By Karen Glover
I have to say I was sceptical about the use of nematodes in my garden. My plot is organic and has lots of frogs and other mini beasts like slow worms that rely on the slug population, so I was worried about them. But it’s been amazing. There was no detrimental effect on the wildlife but my vegetables this year have been amazing!
I’ve had a higher rate of seedlings taking and much less damage to my mature veg.
I didn’t have to spend even one night out with a torch in the rain hunting slugs. What a bonus!

There are still some slugs but in comparison with any of my previous 10 years of growing on my allotment, last year was manageable.
I’d highly recommend using nematodes. CLICK HERE to find out more about Nematodes including Nemaslug Slug Killer