20 January 2021
New Fuchsia Gall Mite Control
Fuchsia gall mite is a microscopic pest that can cause extensive damage affecting the appearance of fuchsias. The pest mites are tiny and cannot be seen with the naked eye, but there affects on the plants is easily spotted – look out for distorted foliage. They suck the sap from the shoot tips, which prevents the normal development of leaves and flowers and as the numbers of mites rises, the foliage becomes increasingly distorted until plants no longer produce normal leaves or flowers.
Control Fuchsia Gall Mite by introducing Amblyseius Andersonii once new growth appears. If your plants have suffered in previous years, then introduce as a preventative measure, but if your plants are already infected, then cut the affected growth out, cutting back at least 10cm below the affected growth and then introduce Amblyseius Andersonii.

Amblyseius Andersonii is supplied in sachets WITH food – simply hang sachets on the affected plants BOTH indoors and OUTDOORS. When using them outdoors, simply staple the ends of the sachets together to stop them being blown off the plant – the sachets are weather resistant. Amblyseius Andersonii is a living, perishable product, so please order when the temperature is suitable (minimum daytime temp of 10c, but below this they will be fine but be sluggish – they particularity good at higher temps i.e. above 30c, so they can be used during hot summers) and you are ready to position the sachets on the plants.
To find out more CLICK HERE