20 June 2023
Customer Question – Box Tree Caterpillar
Q. “Hi There – I have spotted lots of webbing on my box plants and on closer inspection have spotted these caterpillars. I think I know the answer to this but is this box moth caterpillar? If so what do I do as I have a garden full of box plants?” Many thanks worried Ian.
A. Thanks for the question and picture and I can confirm it is box caterpillar – sorry. You need a 2 pronged attack now – apply Box Caterpillar Nematodes to get rid of the caterpillars already present and then position a Box Moth Trap to protect the plants from future attacks. We think there are up to 3 generations a year but we are still learning about this pest and there could be more.
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Box Tree Caterpillar Nematodes
Use these Box Tree Caterpillar Nematodes (containing a unique mix of different nematodes called Fruit and Veg) to control Box…
Biodegradable Box Tree Moth Traps
These Biodegradable Paper Box Moth Traps are a simple yet effective, low cost and plastic-free solution to Box Tree Moth Caterpillar.…