Customer Question – Adult or Ladybird Larvae?
Q. “Hello is it still ok to release ladybird larvae or should I buy adult ladybirds?” from Janice. A. Thanks for the question and you can release both at this
8 June 2020
Harlequin Ladybirds
One of the things I get the most questions about at this time of year is Harlequin Ladybirds, so I thought I would answer some of these questions as a
6 November 2019
Controlling Mealy Bug in my conservatory
I am now the proud owner of 2 large Pony Tail Palms, which look fantastic in the conservatory and I am very pleased with them. However the other day I
2 June 2019
Customer Question – Ordering for Schools
Q. “Hi – Would you accept a local authority purchase order from a school? All payments, once authorised by the school are passed to Devon County Council for payment by
4 May 2019
Customer Question – Controlling winter pests?
Q. “My conservatory is double glazed 9m x 2.5m x h2.5m. Unheated but frost free. Lots of mealy bugs and aphids on hibiscus brought in for winter. What do you
12 April 2019
10 things about Solitary Bees
10 things about Solitary Bees Mason Bees almost never sting. Mason Bees do not produce honey, but are vital in the garden as very effective pollinators. Bees are responsible for
12 July 2018
Protecting your garden from slugs –some things you didn’t know!
Every gardener knows the havoc an infestation of slugs can have in the garden. Some people may think slugs are horrible slimy things which is understandable. But like so many
1 January 1970