Help & Advice on Red Spider Mite

Parlour Palm Pest?

Q. “Hello, I have a pest on my parlour palm in my conservatory, but I’m not sure what it is (photo attached). Would you be able to suggest what it

Customer Question – Spider Mite control in HOT greenhouse?

Q. “Hello – I’m a little confused about the two sorts of biological control for spider mites. For the first time ever my greenhouse plants were decimated this summer. I’ve

Controlling red spider mite by John the Green Gardener

A quick guide to using natural pest control for red spider mite It is impossible to control red spider mite using traditional insecticides – they just don’t work. But it

Customer Question – Controlling Spider Mites

Q. Here are some pictures of a spider mite infestation. What is the best way to deal with them? I have already introduced some Phyto, but cannot see a lot

Controlling Red Spider Mite under-glass NATURALLY

Red Spider Mite (RSM) is a major pests under glass & can be a particular problem in conservatories where the combination of high temps & low humidity in the summer

Customer Question – Amblyseius Andersonii Temperature?

Q. “Hi, I’m interested in buying some spider mite Predatory mites: Amblyseius andersonii. I see there is a recommended temperature on the description. I was just wondering if this is

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