Help & Advice on Nemaslugs

Nemaslug and Snails

Q. “Hi Green Gardener. I’ve ordered some Nemaslug, but snails are a major problem in my garden. Is there any nematodes for them?” Ruth by email A. Thanks for the

Thanks Nemaslug for my hostas

“Dear Green Gardener, great to talk to you earlier. The 1st picture is the garden before lots of hard work and nematodes. The day of judging for the Chandlers Ford

Customer Question – Nemaslug now or in the Spring?

Q. “Hi I’d like to start using nematodes in my small garden to stop the slugs (this year was terrible!). I’ve never used them before but gather from your website

How to save your favourite plants from slugs the organic way

Slugs are the No 1 pest of garden plants. Slugs attack most garden plants especially in the spring and autumn. The blog explains how you can fight back with safe

Announcing Slug Week – 5th to the 11th April

Does your town – or even your garden – have the most slugs in the country?   Is it a slime hot spot?  And maybe, hiding under one of your garden

Positive beginnings made way for a sluggish end.

By Carole Hogarth My allotment is on a parish council-run allotment site in the small village where I live, my husband has the plot next to mine and we spend

My struggles with slugs – By Terry Walton

I am Terry Walton, best known for my gardening tips on Jeremy Vine’s Radio 2 show. I have been sharing my gardening expertise with his listeners for over sixteen years.

Customer Question – Slugs in a composter?

Q.“Which product would be the best thing to use in my composter which has a lot of slugs in it?” Sally Parfitt A. Thanks for the message and Nemaslug Slug Killer

Customer Question – Nemaslug Temperature and Depth

Q. “Now the soil is warming up, I want to apply nemaslug as soon as it is appropriate. At what depth in the soil does the temperature need to be

Applying Nemaslug with cold weather forecast?

  Q. “I’ve just received my first batch of Nemaslug, but the weather is now forecast to become colder again. Should I delay applying it until warmer conditions – hopefully

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