Customer Question – Lawn Problem?

Q. “Hi, Could you tell us what this is please and how we can best get rid of it from our lawn? Is it Goosegrass? Do you have a treatment?”

Our guide to treating Whitefly with Encarsia Bio-control

Here is our quick guide to using natural pest control (Encarsia) for whitefly control. Professional growers have used natural pest control for protecting plants under glass from whitefly for many

Customer Question – Box Tree Caterpillar

Q. “Hi ThereĀ  – I have spotted lots of webbing on my box plants and on closer inspection have spotted these caterpillars. I think I know the answer to this

Customer Question – Controlling aphids and Whitefly in Polytunnel

Q. Hi, I am looking for advice with regards ladybirds/ladybird larva. I have a polytunnel (5M x 4M) and is currently home to far too many greenfly and possibly whitefly

Customer Question – Aphids in Cherry Tree

Q. “I have a couple of questions, but just for context, I ordered 50 ladybirds and a ladybird lodge for a cherry tree that is covered in aphids :- It’s

Customer Question – Aphids in plum tree?

Q. “Hi Jonathan, I have two young plum trees infested by white fly. I have cut off the worst branches but it is building up again. What would you advise?

Customer Question – Woolly Aphids

Q. “I have an apple tree. My gardener believes it to have Woolly aphids. Are the ladybirds you supply suitable to use outside or do they only work if In

Customer Question – Whitefly? and Sticky Plants

Q. “Hello, can you tell me what product you would recommend to control white spider mite on an indoor Calamondin plant please?” Philip Mansfield A. Thanks for the message and

Customer Question – Mealy Bug on Jade Plants

Q. “Hello, I have a lot of jade plants (money trees) in my conservatory and this year I have seen lots of mealybugs. I have tried spraying with a watered

Customer Question – Box Blight or Caterpillar damage

Q. “Good morning, Please could you tell me if the Box Caterpillar is the same as the Box hedge blight caterpillar/moth that eats and kills Box hedging? I’ve searched my

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