Lawn Flea Nematodes

(14 customer reviews)


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Lawn Fleas bother our pets and bite us stopping us enjoying our garden. Control Fleas naturally by applying Lawn Flea Nematodes when the fleas are present and the daytime soil temp is 12°c – normally April to September. Each pack of Lawn Flea Nematodes contains 3 separate packs of nematodes, which are applied at 7 day intervals to the same area and will treat up to 50 sqm of lawn i.e. apply the 1st pack and pop the other 2 packs in the fridge, then repeat the treatment using a fresh pack of nematodes for the next 2 weeks. Lawn Flea Nematodes are a perishable product (it will keep for 3 weeks in the fridge), so order when you are ready to apply. These Lawn Flea Nematodes are harmless to children, wildlife and pets and the lawn may be used immediately after application. Lawn Flea Nematodes treat 50sqm. N.B. Available NOW or insert a future date below.

N.B. Need a Coarse Rose, NemaCan Watering Can, EasyNem Applicator or Hose-end Feeder  – Add one to your basket and save £1.00 off a Coarse Rose OR save £2.00 off a EasyNem ApplicatorHose-end Feeder or NemaCan when bought with your nematodes (savings applied at the checkout).

Select a future w/c dispatch date or leave today’s date for dispatch ASAP * 

Full Description

Use Lawn Flea Nematodes to control fleas in your lawn naturally. Fleas bother our pets and they bite us stopping us enjoying our garden. Nematodes have been used successfully to control fleas in lawns and now these same nematodes are available to you, so you and your pet can go back to making the most of your garden. Fleas thrive in warm or humid weather and can lay up to 50 eggs each day. The larvae do not like high temperatures, so concentrate on treating shady areas of the lawn, but if you or your pet has a favourite spot outdoors, make sure to treat that area as well. Control Fleas naturally by applying Lawn Flea Nematodes when the fleas are present and the daytime soil temp is 12°C – normally April to September.

Lawn Flea Nematodes contains a mixture of natural, nematodes, which will attack the larval and pupal stages of fleas in the soil where they live. Each pack of Lawn Flea Nematodes contains 3 sachets of nematodes, which will treat up to 50 sqm of lawn. Either treat the entire lawn or identify the areas where fleas are likely to be (in cooler shady areas) and treat the lawn 3 times at 7 day intervals using a fresh sachet of nematodes each time. It is supplied as a powder which is mixed with water and applied to the lawn with a Sprayer or Nematode Applicator. The nematodes should be applied when the soil temp is 12°C /54°F and the pest is present (between April – September.). After application use plenty of water to wash the nematodes into the soil where they can find the fleas. As with all nematodes, only order when you are ready to apply as they are perishable. Each pack of Lawn Flea Nematodes contains 3 sachets of nematodes, which will treat up to 50 sqm of lawn.

N.B. Lawn Flea Nematodes need a soil temperature of 12c and are a perishable product, so order when you are ready to apply or pre-order for delivery later in the year by entering a future date.


  1. Wyck Gerson Lohman (verified owner)

    The green gardener offers excellent service: orders of nematodes always arrive within a day!

  2. Shirley (verified owner)

    I just wanted to say how pleased I am with the Lawn Flea Nematodes. I believe we have had this problem for several years, gradually getting worse. My dog although full covered with her flea protection was picking them up and I also noticed I was to when walking on the lawn. It was a relief when I found your site and something I could treat the lawn with that would not affect my dog. I received three packs and although there had been a big reduction in the amount of fleas, I decided that a further three weeks treatment would be worth doing. Backing onto fields we get a lot of Wood Pidgeon’s on the lawn looking for food.
    The problem seems to have gone away for now but I shall certainly know what to do if it should occur again. Thank you Green Gardener.

  3. A very happy customer

    I have had a long time problem with fleas in my lawn. Though full covered with her flea protection my dog was picking them up and I also noticed I was too when walking on the lawn. It was a relief when I found your site and something I could treat the lawn with that would not affect my dog. I received three packs and although there had been a big reduction in the amount of fleas, I decided that a further three weeks treatment would be worth doing. Backing onto fields we get a lot of Wood Pidgeon’s on the lawn looking for food. The problem seems to have gone away for now but I shall certainly know what to do if it should occur again. Thank you Green Gardener.

  4. Sean

    We couldn’t let our dog down the bottom of our garden without coming back covered in Fleas it was unbelievable we’ve never seen a year like this. We ordered a pack of these Nematodes with the Easy Nem applicator and gave it a shot. if I’m being honest, I’m not a Gardener and I was highly sceptical but it was worth a shot before resorting to chemicals.

    We followed the instructions to the word and after the 1st week we saw an almost total reduction by the 2nd and 3rd week its been a 100% wipe out absolutely incredible. A welcome side effect was our grass would be covered in slugs early in the morning but for some reason since applying the Flea Nematodes it also wiped out all the slugs something we never expected or can remember a time without slugs everywhere in the morning.

    This is now something we will do at the start and end of Fleas seasons going forward thank you Green gardener

  5. Gabriella Wright (verified owner)

    Hi I bought the nematodes to stop my dog coming in with fleas on him from our garden. We get a lot of foxes using it garden. I’ve done the 3 treatments every 7 days (Note make up the solution using slightly warm water as this stopped the clumping) And yes it has worked. We do treat our dog every month using Advocate and he has stopped coming in with fleas on him. So it worked. Plus it grass does look greener and healthier too. Deliver was quick.

  6. Lesley Garrett (verified owner)

    Good service good product was very happy with the end result would recommend you to friends and family 😊👍

  7. Jean Gomes (verified owner)

    We purchased the flea nematodes for our lawn over the last two years. We are so grateful to have found a natural way to keep these pests away from our dogs. Our dogs are older now so we don’t use any chemicals. Thank you so much for supplying this great product. May you continue to do so.

  8. Siu Ying Wat (verified owner)

    I’ve used this product for over 6 years, since my first dog picked up fleas in the garden and reacted badly to the bites. It works very well and I now treat the lawn and borders in May and September each year to protect my current dog and my two cats! Reduces the need for chemical flea treatment on the animals during the cold months (but needed in summer) which is a plus as I try to use more natural ways to deal with the fleas. This is an easy and effective way to rid the garden of fleas left by the foxes, pigeons and squirrels.

  9. Mara (verified owner)

    In short: would recommend product and seller (rapid delivery).
    In long (in case you’re dealing with fleas for the first time too): we don’t have any pets atm and didn’t even have a clue that the few bites we had were from fleas. Then population exploded and when going into the garden we could even see the fleas hopping around. Ordered the nematodes and application 1 and 2 already showed good improvements. After 3rd we thought we should be fine but quite suddenly they were back. Ordered another round right away. We only understood then that they must’ve had their headquarter in between the stones of our path and under wood porch, built on slabs. I did not expect that as these are quite hot and sunny corners and we somehow thought they were in the lawn/shrubs as most things I read about fleas said that these are their preferences. Anyhow. Wasn’t the case and I didn’t water them in around those areas well enough. So now with a self invented sprinkler system to get under the porch we watered plenty in to get to the fleas that seemed to be hanging around the bit of soil in between the stones on path and under slabs. Now we’re a week after 3rd application of second round and looks good. So my recommendation is to just go for it and don’t spare any areas, these little *%&@¥ seem to accept all sorts of habitats if necessary and nematodes are too small to travel there.

  10. Sue Smith (verified owner)

    Hi Jon, just wanted to give you a quick update. Since the FIRST application of the nematodes, we haven’t had a single bite! Absolutely delighted. Thank you for the advice and product recommendation. Do you think we will need to apply another course of the nematodes , maybe next month, to make sure we have no further problem? Thanks.

  11. Lesley Hedger (verified owner)

    Very pleased with my nematode purchase. Well packaged and speedy delivery. Very good service and would recommend.

  12. Jean Gomes (verified owner)

    We discovered Green Gardener’s natural flea nematodes as an alternative to harmful medications for our garden. Their user-friendly website provided clear instructions and details, and our order arrived promptly. Since using the nematodes, our dogs have been flea-free and our grass looks healthier. Thank you Green Gardener for providing effective and natural solutions for pest control. It is a fantastic company that has made our lives easier.

  13. Iona Dickins (verified owner)

    Very pleased with prompt delivery of lawn flea nematodes and watering can rose. Happy with easy to follow instructions for treatment of garden and subsequent promising results.

  14. Robert Carter (verified owner)

    Very pleased with the personal and speedy service. I called for advice to make sure I was ordering the right products and the lady I spoke to was very knowledgeable and helpful. The products provided (nematodes and desi-dust to treat an infestation of lawn fleas) did the trick!

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