17 February 2025
Controlling Viburnham Beetle
Q. “Which nematodes do I need to tackle Viburnum leaf beetle?” from Dr Susan Vokes.
A. Thanks for the message and our Viburnham Beetle Nematodes contain the Fruit and Veg Nematodes which contain a mixture that is effective against Viburnham Beetle. Viburnum beetles and their larvae feed on the foliage often reducing it to “lace” can defoliate viburnums – most of the damage is caused by the larvae in spring, but the adult beetles also attack the leaves in late summer. A common symptom is Viburnum tinus produces an unpleasant odour when attacked particularly when the foliage is wet. Viburnum beetle overwinters as eggs that are deposited in the bark of stems in late summer by the beetles. The larvae then emerge in April / May to feed on the leaves, before dropping to the floor and pupating in the soil emerge as adults in late summer.
Treat the larvae with Viburnham Beetle Nematodes contain the Fruit and Veg Nematodes – EITHER treat the larvae on the bushes in April / May by sprayed 3 times at 7 day intervals AND / OR drench the soil UNDER and around the bushes with F&V (3 times at 7 day intervals) to target the larvae before they pupate in May – July). Make sure you apply in a big wide circle around each plant making sure you cover an area the size of the canopy. This unique mixture of different nematodes will target a range of pests including viburnham beetle and will not harm pets, children, wildlife or bees. F&V needs a soil temp of 12°c and is a perishable product, so order when you are ready to apply. Supplied as a powder, which is mixed with water and each pack will treat up to 60sqm– to treat a smaller area just make the solution stronger as it is impossible to overdose.
Controlling Viburnham Beetle – Apply F&V 3 times at 7 day intervals when the the larvae are active (April / May) and then re-apply as a drench under the bushes to target the larvae before the pupate – May – July. We supply in a triple pack (3 packs per delivery – apply 3 times at 7 day intervals).
Available to buy now
Viburnham Beetle Nematodes
Viburnum beetles and their larvae feed on the foliage often reducing it to "lace" can defoliate viburnums - most of…