9 February 2024
Customer Question – Ladybird availability?
Q. “I would like to purchase some ladybirds as soon as they are available, along with a hut. The blackflies are taking over my roses and bay trees and I hear ladybugs help with this. I noticed it said available in April on the website and wondering what date I should set the reminder to order from you for? I’ll forget otherwise….?” Much appreciated, Christina
A. Thanks for the message and ladybirds do love to eat aphids including blackfly, so they would be ideal for dealing with the aphids on your roses / bay trees. I do already have Ladybird Larvae available to buy now as people use them in sheltered gardens and in greenhouses / conservatories to deal with pest problems. We normally recommend using the larvae to deal with a specific pest problem as they will stay where you put them i.e. if you release them onto aphid infected plants, they will not fly off. However I do also have Adult Ladybirds available if you prefer. It is early to use ladybirds outdoors, but if your garden is sheltered and if aphids are already present then it should be OK i.e. if it warm enough for aphids then it is warm enough for ladybirds. Alternatively you can pre-order for delivery later in the spring. I hope this helps. Please CLICK HERE to view our entire range of Ladybirds, houses, food, seeds etc. Kind regards Jon
Available to buy now
Ladybird Larvae x50
Ladybird Larvae have a huge appetite for soft-bodied pests such as aphids, so release ladybird larvae onto your pest infected…
Adult Ladybirds
Buy Adult Ladybirds for Your Garden Ladybirds are a welcome sight in the garden, where they happily munch away on…
British Ladybird Larvae x100 with Release Bags
Aphids attacking trees can be a BIG problem (the 1st visible symptom of attack is large amounts of sticky honeydew which drips down on to…