20 June 2023
Customer Question – Controlling aphids and Whitefly in Polytunnel
Q. Hi, I am looking for advice with regards ladybirds/ladybird larva. I have a polytunnel (5M x 4M) and is currently home to far too many greenfly and possibly whitefly who are enjoying a good feast on our tomatoes, lettuce, radishes amongst other things!! Would you advice introducing live ladybirds or larva? Any other helpful advice would much appreciated.” Many thanks Kevin
A. Thanks for the message and we always recommend Ladybird Larvae rather than ladybirds for pest problems as they will stay on the plants rather than flying away. If there are lots of pests I would recommend spraying with a natural spray 1st to kill as many adult pests as possible. This is because the pests are fast breeders and if you do not spray 1st, they will breed quicker than the predator can eat them. We recommend and natural spray called SB Invigorator
Once you have sprayed, you can then release ladybird larvae but can I suggest in a polytunnel this size you might want to consider using specific pest controls rather than a general predator? The ladybird larvae will eat what is there but will not give you on-going control whereas an Aphid Predator Mix will give on-going aphid control and likewise for Whitefly we would recommend Encarsia.
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Sb Invigorator Concentrate
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