Frit Fly Nematodes

(1 customer review)


Stop Frit Flies bothering you and their larvae destroying your lawn by treating with Nemasys F&V Nematodes in the Spring / Summer / Autumn to target the larval stage of the pest. The adult fly is a small, black, shiny fly about 2mm long. The larvae are white to translucent in colour, about 4mm long, which borrow into the grass blades. As more of the grass is destroyed, the grass turns yellow before dying off. Often swarms of small black flies can be seen hovering over the surface of the lawn in summer. There are normally 3 generations a year – the 1st flies emerge in May, the 2nd generation emerges in July with the third emerging in August / Sept. The larvae feed in between these emergences with the third generation of larvae feeding slowly through the winter ready to emerge the following Spring. Control Frit Fly Larvae by applying Frit Fly Nematodes when the larvae are present i.e. 4 weeks after the flies appear. The Frit Fly Nematodes consists of 2 PACKS – each pack treats 30 sqm and should be applied TWICE at fortnightly intervals – use one pack straight away and pop the other in the fridge. Then repeat the treatment 2 weeks later using the 2nd pack. N.B. Nematodes are a perishable product (it will keep for 2 weeks in the fridge)so order when you are ready to apply or select as future dispatch date below. 

Select a future w/c dispatch date or leave today’s date for dispatch ASAP * 

Full Description

Frit Fly Nematodes uses Nemasys Fruit and Veg Nematodes – This unique mix of different nematodes that will protect your lawn, fruit and vegetables from the main insect pests including frit fly, carrot root fly, cabbage root flycutwormsonion flysciarid flycaterpillarsgooseberry sawflythrips, and codling moth. NemaMix F&V Nematodes are safe to use on food crops, is suitable for use on organic crops and it will not harm pets, children, wildlife or bees. Apply Nemasys F&V Nematodes to the soil with a watering can / hose end feeder to control soil based insect pests including frit fly (required) . Nemasys F&V Nematodes needs a soil temp of 12°c and is a perishable product, so order when you are ready to apply. Supplied as a powder, which is mixed with water and each pack will treat up to 30sqm (when treating for Frit Fly)– to treat a smaller area just make the solution stronger as it is impossible to overdose.

Controlling Frit Moth – Apply Nemasys F&V Nematodes TWICE at 2 weekly intervals in the Spring / Summer and late Autumn to target the larval stage – there are 3 generations a year. Apply to the lawn using a watering can or EasyNem Applicator. Order Nemasys F&V Nematodes as a TWIN PACK (2 packs per delivery) – use one pack ASAP and pop the other one in the fridge to use 2 weeks later and save money too.

How is it sent? – Nemasys F&V Nematodes is a perishable, living product, so it is sent out fresh by Royal Mail 1st class post. Being a perishable, living product, it must be used before the expiry date (which is marked on the inside of the pack and will be at least 2 weeks) and it must be stored in the fridge until it is needed. Once opened, the contents do not keep, so it must be used in one day – do NOT store the made up solution or powder. 1 or 2 packs will go through your letterbox and should be popped in the fridge as soon as possible – they are fine on the doormat while you are at work. N.B. Large orders i.e. 5 or more large packs will not fit through the letterbox, so someone will need to be in to receive it.

How to apply? – Apply to the soil with a watering can fitted with a Course Rose / NemaCan or a EasyNem Applicator / Hose end feeder.


  1. Phil Ogden

    Ordered 2 packs of Frit Fly Nematodes for the garden received them within the specified delivery time, pleased with the results would recommend Green Gardener for all your garden problems.

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