20 June 2022
Customer Question – Aphids in apple tree?
Q. “I think this is apple aphids? I have enclosed some pictures if you could confirm and how can I control it please?”
A. Thanks for the message and yes this is aphids. With this number of aphids it is best to use a combination of SB Invigorator and Ladybird Larvae to control them. Spray 1st with SB Invigorator trying your best to aim at the underside of the leaves to control as many aphids as possible. Then release ladybird larvae in release bags to clear the rest and give on-going control. Depends on how big the tree is but we normally work it out by truck diameter :- Less than 20cm, use 100 larvae and 1 release bag, Between 20cm and 50cm, use 200 larvae split between 2 release bags and Over 50cm, use 500 larvae split between 5 release bags.
Alternatively if the tree is small, then you could use the Bugblaster instead to wash the aphids away.
Bugblaster – Use the Bugblaster to control insect pests i.e. aphids, whitefly, mealybug, spider mites, etc using nothing more than water. Simply attach the Bug Blaster to your hose and this unique spray attachment creates a 360° flat spray that is strong enough to kill pests and clean away their “honeydew” without harming the plant or beneficial insects. It attaches via a standard hose attachment, is 75cm long and is very easy to use. Use it OUTDOORS to control aphids on roses or use it UNDERGLASS i.e. in the greenhouse to control whitefly on tomatoes or spider mites on cucumbers. It blasts the pests from the undersides and tops of the leaves, while washing away the eggs AND cleaning the plant of any sticky honeydew /sooty mould. One application will devastate the pest population and then simply repeat as necessary to keep pests under-control WITHOUT using chemicals and WITHOUT harming beneficial insects.
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Bug Blaster
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